Three days of long negotiations were not enough to Catalan doctors they will come to a agreement with employers and the Ministry of Health. Will have hit at least on January 25 and 26, and will meet the teachers of the public school, as well as with others that are more in the minority also in the field of health, such as that of nurses. Some 25,000 doctors of the public health of Catalonia, both primary care centers (CAP) and hospitals, are called upon to mobilize. This is the second major Catalan public health strike in the last four years, since in 2018 they had already stopped the primary care physicians.After this strike, CAP doctors managed to set a maximum number of daily visits (28) and an average time for each patient (12 minutes). And now, according to Metges de Catalunya (MC), the calling union, and Hi, one of main pitfalls of negotiation is, again, the Faculty agenda: the union chooses to set a number of daily visits, as the ministry pleads for “self-organization” of the doctor. This example illustrates how, in some respects, the situation has changed little over the past four years. On the other hand, the ‘conselleria’ accuses the union of having a retributive and non-assistance “red line”: doctors, according to Hi, claim the direct award of a salary supplement about pay, something what should happen before a negotiation table.
It remains to be seen whether Metges de Catalunya the days will stop too February 1, 2 and 3, as promised, or to reach an agreement sooner which, even if it has not yet materialized, It’s not far from official either. as the union itself has recognized these days during bargaining. The union and Salut will meet again Friday at 3:30 p.m. to continue negotiations. Right now MC summoned the doctors at 10 a.m. this Wednesday against health department (Travessera de Les Corts, 131) and plan to walk along Gran Via de Carles III and Rambla de Brasil to the health station, to “illustrate the brain drain”.
“We confirm that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there will be a strike. The fundamental reasons can be summarized in two: one is the work overload and another, the working conditions, that they don’t hold back medical talent,” explained the union’s general secretary, Xavier Leonart, after seven o’clock in the evening, at the Ministry of Health, where the journalists had been waiting for hours.
Closer, but not close enough
According to Leonard, the “work overload” of the doctor makes it difficult for him to give a good quality of care the patient and led many physicians to find themselves quit the job or the public system or suffering from burnout. “If it is true that nowadays we approached positions, We have not obtained a proposal from the “conselleria” which is cross enough and homogeneous to cancel the call, ”said the general secretary of MC.
The syndicate claims “concretions” What “set limits to agendas” faculties. Salut advocates more self-organization of the doctor. “[Poner límites a las agendas] would generate more waiting lists, but it would give more comfort to colleagues and people would be better served,” defended Lléonart. “They offered us a plan without realization and that he expects things like approval from Budgets. These are proposals that they are good in the medium and long term, but that does not demobilize [una huelga]”, It’s finish.
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After Lleonart’s attention to the media, that of the assistant director of the Servei Català de la Salut (CatSalut), Alfredo Garcia, who made sure that the union’s “red line” is “remunerative” and not assistance. “Request a direct allocation, to Salut, of additional remuneration in the payroll. We cannot accept it because it goes against the norm. It should go through the trading desks and it was the red line that broke the negotiation,” said García, who said the failure of the negotiation came as a “surprise” to everyone, because “the dynamics of the negotiation were good”.In addition, the ‘conselleria’ set up a working table to respond to the availability of professionals in the system, the availability of positions for doctors and specialists, training, schedules, the stabilization of professional positions or problems of accessibility. “We were pretty much in agreement and we set ourselves a schedule”, said the assistant director of CatSalut.
Finally, the nurses were those the week of mobilizations began on Tuesday public health: some thousand demonstrated today in Barcelona and marched along Via Laietana until they reached Parliament to demand better working conditions. However, this strike, which was not joined by the majority nursing union, the Satse, had a residual tracking