“Ex-minister” Argimon signs for Fundació Pasqual Maragall to investigate Alzheimer’s disease

The ‘ex-Minister’ of Health of the Generalitat, Joseph Maria Argimon, was appointed Director of Scientific Infrastructures of the BarcelonaBeta Research Center (BBRC), research center of the Fundació Pasqual Maragall, the foundation said in a statement on Monday.

Argimon was appointed to lead the BBRC in a multidisciplinary group who will conduct observational research studies and clinical trials, and will be responsible for enter into strategic alliances nationally and internationally with other research centres.

These studies include the development of Alpha Cohort, a studio that currently has more than 2,700 attendees It is supported by the La Caixa Foundation and will be strengthened with the aim of positioning the center at the forefront of research on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

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Argimon assured that it is a “exciting challenge” join the center and be part of the project started 15 years ago, which will allow us to work on the promotion of research carried out on the Alzheimer’s prevention.

The director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Arcadi Navarre, He said the addition of Argimon positions the BBRC as a “vanguard center” in Alzheimer’s disease research and advances ongoing work.

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