Doctors, nurses and other profiles public health professionals in Catalonia will go on strike on January 25 and 26. The big protests in Madrid ended up giving the Catalans the final boost. The care overload and poor working conditions those who complain have repercussions straight into health of citizens, but especially in that of popular courses, main users of public health.
The long waiting lists to access the hospitals already the health centers are an example. Mary Guardia, user of CAP Sant Andreu (Barcelona), must wait a month your family doctor to visit you for a Shingles. “I am 67 years old and I have suffered from it for a month. I went to CAP because in the mutual they had confused the pain with low back pain, ”he explains. But after this visit to health center emergencies, The call from the family doctor did not arrive. “So I called [la última semana de noviembre]. and they told me that couldn’t see me until December 22″, account.
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own administrative of the CAP suggested that, if he felt very bad, he should return to the the emergencies from the health center. At the end managed to talk on the phone with her family doctor, but until the 22nd of this month he will not be able to see her in person.
Maria, who is part of groups that advocate for public health, I fought years ago for 48 hours, What time did the patient have right to be cared for once make an appointment at the CAP. But this to claim looks like today chimera. “Since the pandemic, a lot of visits have been done by phone. People end up going to the emergency room and there there are a lot of patients” he’s complaining Married.