Nurses, caregivers, technicians, psychologists, pharmacists, administrative staff and the rest of Catalonia’s health personnel will join the doctors’ strike that Metges de Catalunya called on Monday (MC, the majority union of this group) for the days January 25 and 26. The reason is the “limit situation” that health professionals live in the territory, despite “all efforts made during the pandemic.” The care overload and the lack of staff are the two main ingredients of this scenario.
However, the majority nursing union, Satse, did not join the call, so we will have to see what strength he has with a group as important as that of the nurses, whose work has become more visible than ever in these years of the covid-19 pandemic. “These days we find ourselves in a trading period and we fight for proposals to improve working conditions, but if we do not reach an agreement quickly good word, we will mobilize,” Satse sources told this newspaper.
MC only summoned public and subsidized health doctors from primary care centers (CAPs) and hospitals. But this Friday, the Health Union Council of Catalonia (formed by Infermeres de Catalunya, Catac-CTS-IAC, CGT Alt Camp i Conca de Barberà, SAE, FTC-IAC, Usoc, Fapic and Coordinadora Obrera Sindical) expanded the call and called for all healthcare workers in Catalonia to one sectoral strike in all health, socio-sanitary, public and private centers and companies. They will do it on January 25 and 26, so that the strike of the doctors of Metges de Catalunya don’t lose steam.
The convening of the union table will affect all primary care devices, continuing and urgent care, home care, hospital care, pre-hospital and emergency care, mental health, residential care and emergency care 061 Contact Center.
“Currently the City feels that health professionals we neglect them”, say the unions. “We partly share this perception, given that currently and due to the circumstances arising from the pandemic – but also due to the gaps in the health system We are not providing adequate assistance to the entire population.”
“Unimaginable pressure”
The toilets, they complain, have become “used” to operating “under a health pressure unimaginable in other countries”. “We have normalized the lack of staff at the cost of our health and renouncing our rights as workers”, complain the unions.
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The salary cuts, the loss of purchasing power and the greatest load and care pressure They are behind this situation. Among other things, the unions are asking equalize the working conditions of all health personnel of the public system regardless of the service provider for which they work, as well as assimilating them to those of the European countries.
Also, set professional ratios which allow “correct attendance”, which reduce the workload, as well as allocate 25% of the budget of the Ministry of Health first aid, the gateway to the system and the most abused. Moreover, they require expand MIR locations and promote the choice of specialties that lack professionals (such as pediatrics and family medicine) and coverage of all retirements and vacations.