The diets we should eat, and those we shouldn’t, this Christmas


Christmas represents a sudden change in our diet. Therefore, it is important to know which diets are the most recommended, but also which are not. Within the range of possibilities we have to follow our diets during these holidays, Rafael Gómez y Blasco, from the Spanish Obesity Society (SEEDO), recommends the following.

If from an economic point of view we can afford it, he assures, “of course the Mediterranean diet would be in first position. For this expert in endocrinology and nutrition, “the presence of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, legumes and olive oil make it occupy this first place.”

The Academic Director also emphasizes Central American and Caribbean Federation of Obesity and Metabolism, Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador (FECCOM), which “for many years has shown that from the point of view cardiovascularas well as in the important prevention of comorbidities, it is one of the best eating styles in the world.

The second place, he affirms, could be occupied by Atlantic Diet, «where the consumption of fish and meat of magnificent quality, as well as an important variety of carbohydrates and vegetables, meet the ideal requirements for health.

Now, it recognizes that one of its biggest drawbacks is the current price of most of the raw materials that constitute it.

Therefore, in the face of the obvious, but very harsh reality, he points out, “the second place should be occupied by the flexible, contextualized and precise diet, FAFO (Flexible and Friendly for Overweight People).

«The FAFO diet allows us to adapt our economic and social situation to the characteristics of these dates, but we can also use the foods and meals that we enjoyed in our childhood or that are part of our customs and roots. With an important amalgamation of possibilities and facilities for the development of our diet, psychological support and physical activity.

In this case, he adds, “the main differentiating feature is that the profession, physical activity, place of origin, the patient’s habits, as well as their economic possibilities to make certain changes in their hygienic-dietary habits are taken into account. . ».

However, one of the aspects that experts highlight most in relation to this approach is that, “in a novel way, and this is one of its great contributions, it can be followed by the rest of the family, adjusting the quantities and facilitating the realization of the same.

And normal foods from our area of ​​origin or coexistence are included in the diet, allowing us to enjoy the typical regional dishes or that by habit they are part of our daily habits; In this case, as the SEEDO expert reports, “it is only necessary to adjust certain quantities in the food and maintain very simple and open guidelines for the preparation and cooking of the same, so that they are very pleasant to the palate.”

This type of approach has already accumulated nearly 25 years of experience, and has been evaluated by the most eminent groups of anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists and human resources experts, in addition to having the positive opinion of experienced specialists in endocrinology and nutrition, physical activity, psychology, etc.

In your opinion, “It has all the ingredients to become a reference and fad diet».

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