when classes start in each province of Argentina


Although most of the provinces and the City of Buenos Aires had already established the start date of the 202 school year when last year ended, with the change in management the transfer of the Ministry of Education to a secretary within the Ministry of Human Capital the rest finished defining it this year.

What was already established by the Federal Council of Education is that in 2024 they must be issued 190 days of effective classes.

When classes start in CABA and the province of Buenos Aires

In the Autonomous City of Buenos Airesclasses will start on 26 of February for initial and primary levels, while secondary school will start on March 4. In turn, the winter break is scheduled from July 15 to 26.

In 2024, 190 days of effective classes must be taught. Photo: iStock

For its part, the Province of Buenos Aires will mark the beginning of the school year on March 1st.

School calendar 2024: when classes start in each province

Córdoba, Santa Fe, Jujuy, Entre Ríos, Neuquén, San Luis, Salta, Mendoza and Formosa They coincide on their calendar and plan to start classes on February 26. The same day Corrientes plans to return to the classrooms.

Santa Cruz The school year is scheduled to begin on February 29while La Pampa, Tucumán and Land of Fire I will do it from March 1st.

Chubut, San Juan, Santiago del Estero and Chaco share the same start date, scheduling return to school for the March 4. Missions joins this group, marking his start of school activities on the same date.

Meanwhile, in Catamarca and La Rioja classes will start on February 27 and the Río Negro calendar closes with a date scheduled for March 11, although between February 14 and 26 they have the intensification period.

When will the winter break be?

  • Buenos Aires, CABA, Jujuy, Chubut, Currents, Formosa, Missions, Santa Cruz and Land of Fire: winter break from July 15 to 26
  • Cordova, Catamarca, Ente Ríos, Rioja, Mendoza, Neuquen, Black river, Jump, San Juan, Santa Fe, saint Louis and Tucumán: winter break from July 8 to 19.
  • The Pampa: winter break from July 10 to 23.

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