Whooping cough outbreak in Guadalajara: what is this infection, symptoms and how it is transmitted


Health confirmed this Thursday an outbreak of whooping cough that already leaves 124 affected in Guadalajara. Everything indicates that the focus of the infection has been within the school environment. Two cases were also reported in two schools in the Community of Madrid, although the Ministry of Health has denied this and explained that the General Directorate of Public Health has confirmed in the case of a child, although it has indicated that there is no case in educational centers. What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a disease that is transmitted through the respiratory route through a very contagious bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. What happens during infection is that the whooping cough bacteria adheres to the hairs that line the upper respiratory tract and releases toxins that inflame the airways. It is an infection that most frequently affects children under one year of age, although it has increased among adolescents and adults. In fact, an increase in cases has recently been confirmed following the coronavirus pandemic in Spain and internationally. Symptoms of whooping cough As the University of Navarra Clinic explains, whooping cough has an asymptomatic incubation period of one or two weeks. Afterwards, it is developed in two phases. In the first, a catarrhal period begins that lasts about two weeks and has the symptoms of a cold: rhinitis, a mild, dry and irritating cough, more intense and predominantly at night that can cause vomiting. The second phase of the disease comes with bouts of violent coughing, more interrupted and rapid, which makes breathing difficult with the resulting discoloration, watery eyes and a great feeling of anguish. When he finishes, there is a loud inhalation. Symptoms and phases of whooping cough Incubation: lasts one or two weeks and is asymptomatic Catarrhal period: rhinitis, sneezing, low-grade fever, tearing, mild, dry and irritating cough, increasingly intense, predominantly at night and which can cause vomiting. The attacks come due to the minimum stimulus. Period of convulsive or asphyctic state: the patient, feeling well, notices that he is going to have an attack, takes a deep breath and begins with a pounding, uninterrupted, rapid cough, which makes breathing difficult. Teary eyes and great feeling of anguish. After the crisis, a noisy inspiration occurs. How is whooping cough spread? Whooping cough is a disease that is present in humans. As it is a respiratory infection, the means of transmission is the air that comes into contact with Pflugge droplets when the sick person talks, sneezes or coughs. The University of Navarra Clinic also points out that healthy carriers do not spread the infection. Likewise, in the case of pregnant women, immunity is not transmitted from the pregnant mother to the child. To prevent this disease, the recommended strategy is vaccination since it has led to a decrease in the incidence of the disease over the years. The vaccine is administered in childhood according to the vaccination schedule and is also recommended in pregnant women. How topherin is diagnosed From the health portal of the Community of Madrid they explain that with the symptoms not being “so obvious” it is difficult to diagnose because it begins with a cold. That is why, when the disease is suspected, it is usually recommended to take samples of the mucus from the nose or throat by taking a nasal or pharyngeal exudate to detect the presence of the bacteria. Treatment of whooping cough In the case of small children or infants who present complications, hospitalization is usually chosen and a specific diet is usually followed if vomiting is frequent. Related News standard No A low-cost malaria vaccine demonstrates its effectiveness in 5,000 children R. Ibarra standard No This is the most common cancer and the one that kills the most in the world (and it can be avoided) Cristina Garrido On the other hand, the treatment It is usually based on taking antibiotics since, according to the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, “they are useful if they are administered early and in appropriate doses.” In this sense, expectorants and cough suppressants are not recommended.

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