Although there are no signs from the Government, the opposition will insist with a specific sign of the Country tax


The approval of the Omnibus Law in general is an empty shell if the articles that make it up are not approved on Tuesday. But the tension escalated as a result of the Córdoba threat to share the Country Tax – which in turn stirred up the hornet’s nest with the other governors – and to this is added the discussion still open over the drafting of the articles on delegations, privatizations and security. The dialogue groups wait between this Sunday and Monday a concrete signal from the Executive. “The Ball Is in his field”, judgment.

The dissolution of Together for Change and the atomization of the opposition blocs – which, due to their extreme minority situation, the ruling party needs almost entirely – continues to set the pace for the negotiation of the mega law that, as Time said, Behind the head of the radical bloc is a “tower of pancakes” that mixes all the issues.

When it seems that the path is beginning to smooth out, a new demand from some bench once again makes the shelf of articles tremble. “We spoke governor by governor, when we got to the fifth it was complicated again with the first.“, a libertarian graphically describes the situation.

Specifically, as Clarín said, the people of Cordoba who respond to Martín Llaryora threaten to approve the co-participation of the country tax – even with the help of Kirchnerism – if their issues are not resolved.

The Government has already announced, via Interior Minister Guillermo Francos, that it is not willing “in any way” to participate in it. In fact, if it were approved he would veto it.

The agreement that is in progress is that in the article referring to the Sustainability Guarantee Fund it is established that the flows to the pension funds of the harmonized provinces are automated, among which is Córdoba.

This option is valid for the Executive because it is cheaper than sharing the Tax and solves the problem of Córdoba.

But, it would bring him new problems with the other leaders who have already cried foul.. “For the prudent there is nothing and they reward those who extort?” asked a legislator who responds to a leader.

Some even dare to question with what votes the people of Cordoba will approve that article that they negotiated exclusively for them.

The issue, in effect, disorganizes the dialogue groups that until now have been negotiating together. “We’re already off to a bad start if you come with the idea of ​​allying yourself with Kirchnerism for a vote,” says a source part of the negotiations.

“What is missing at this moment more than a specific agreement on the law is a political commitment to move forward and provide certainty. A governance consensus with all the provinces,” says Soledad Carrizo (UCR) to Clarion.

Everyone agrees on this point: a concrete commitment is needed, an announcement from the ruling party about the delayed fiscal consensus. “We cannot compensate with a tax (the Country) that should actually disappear. A broader dialogue table is required, with more actors.“adds Pamela Verasay, also a radical from Mendoza.

On Saturday all the legislators were arriving in their provinces to return on Monday. On Sunday afternoon the contacts will be activated again.

“The general approval of the law is the triumph of political dialogue, it reflects the commitment of Congress to achieve real and lasting changes. If the Government continues to prioritize dialogue, it will surely have the tools it needs to get us out of the crisis,” he assured Clarion, Oscar Agost Carreño, key sword in the negotiation by the We Make Federal Coalition, the bloc led by Miguel Angel Pichetto and which also includes the rebels from Córdoba.

There are other issues that are still pending resolution.. Although progress was made in the agreement on the privatization chapter, the fine print needs to be finalized and greater control by Congress must be guaranteed.

They must also refine the delegations to the Government, especially on specific points, such as the capacity that Milei would have, for example, to restructure or even eliminate trust funds that are important for the provinces.

Meanwhile, the incidents that occurred in the demonstrations in front of Congress do not help to resolve the Security chapter. Especially in the dialogue with the radicalism that made a strong attack after one of its militants was detained.

“We cannot endorse greater penalties in cases of resistance to authority when three girls were taken prisoner for singing the anthem at the door of Congress and they said that they had resisted authority,” says a radical.

Biofuels does not have the letter of the article closed either.

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