Does the Omnibus Law sell? What the opposition says about the latest changes proposed by Milei


The latest changes made by the government of Javier Milei to the so-called Omnibus Law were received with extreme caution among the deputies of the dialogic blocks and some voices discouraged the possibility that this Tuesday they could issue an opinion from the plenary of commissions and thus seek the half sanction this Thursday, as is the intention of the ruling party.

The final version of the proposal was received this Monday morning by opposition legislators who I have already begun to analyze point by point the changes made to the original project and then treat it jointly so that each block defines whether or not it will accompany the project that the Government is rushing and that from the beginning the President aspired to approve it this January 25 and without modifications.

For now, a source close to the ruling party dismissed the possibility that the General Legislation, Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions could sign an opinion this Tuesday, taking into account that there are several points to close and that the dialogue blocks received the final text only this Monday.

Block by block

According to Supo Clarín, the block of PRO who presides christian ritondo It is already studying each of the modifications made to the original project to define if it finally accompanies the entire proposal of the ruling party.

The deputies of radicalism decided to analyze each one of the project separately and They will meet in the afternoon; They did not specify whether it will be by zoom or in the block, to define a position.

the mendocino Lisandro Nieriwho responds to Governor Alfredo Cornejo, has already warned Clarion what was there “partial advance”But he pointed out that there are “setbacks like money laundering, where co-participating taxes were not paid in a timely manner.”

Other voices of the dialogue opposition recognize that there is “progress in some aspects” such as the issue of withholdings, emergency and above all the term for extraordinary powers, which the ruling party decided to reduce from two to one year. But they question the Government because they understand that “advances over the powers of the provinces” in some aspects, such as the one mentioned on the issue of money laundering.

For their part, the deputies of the bloc We make Federal Coalitionwho presides Miguel Ángel Pichetto, were also dedicated to analyzing the final text of the project. Less than half of the articles had analysis and they had planned to meet after noon too to define their position and if they conform to the Government’s changes.

As reported by this newspaper, Milei agreed to several of the opposition’s demands, such as the incorporation of a pension formula for automatic salary adjustment that will be governed by inflation, restrictions on money laundering were also added and the fishing and hydrocarbon regimes were reformulated. . and biofuels. Added to this is that Withholdings from regional economies were eliminated.

Deputies from the ruling party met with Milei and José Luis Espert, president of the Budget commission, they ratified the intention of get an opinion as soon as possible.

Government you have already decided to extend the extraordinary sessions, which originally ended in January. He extended them until mid-February, to give Congress more time to reach an agreement.

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