Possible remains of plastic pellets found on the beach of Bolonia in Cádiz


The junta of andalusia is analyzing samples from a possible spill of plastic pellets into the bologna beach, in Tarifa (Cádiz).

This was indicated this Thursday by the Minister of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy, Ramon Fernandez-Pachecowho in statements to the media has specified that, in coordination with the Ministry of the Presidency, they are “working to analyze the possible arrival of pellets to the beach of Bolonia.”

The counselor stressed that “they have only appeared on the beach of Bolonia and in “a very small amount.”

Given this finding, the Board is monitoring and analyzing “not only the coast of Cádiz, but also the coast of Huelva”, adds Fernández-Pacheco, who assures that “until now no remains have appeared anywhere else.”

“Depending on how events progress we will adopt the better decisions to save different ecosystems of our coastline, of course,” he stressed.

Until now, no emergency plan has been activated due to this event, indicates the counselor, who explains that what has been done for the moment is “analyze that small amount that has appeared and monitor the rest of the beaches of Cádiz and Huelva.” He warns that the Board will remain “vigilant to take measures if necessary.”

For his part, the spokesperson for the Emergency 112 Andalucía service, Pilar Limón, has announced that the notification about the discovery was made by an individual with a call this Wednesday at 10:45 p.m., indicating that he had seen pellets on the beach of Bolonia.

112 notified the Local Police of Tarifa, to the National Police unit assigned to the Autonomous Community, to the Civil Guard, to Infoca, to the Environmental agents and to the Andalusian Emergency group.

The 112 spokesperson adds that the Andalusian Government has reported that a study of the samples found “in a timely manner” myn Bolonia beach and that Environmental agents are going to subject the coast to close surveillance.

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On the other hand, Verdemar Ecologistas en Acción has announced in a note that the entity is going to request the corresponding maritime captaincies now Maritime Rescue monitoring the route of the ship ‘CSAV Toconao’, the same ship that transported the containers that fell into the sea and caused plastic pellets to be dumped on the coast of Galicia.

It is considered that the ship should have been stopped when it crossed the Strait of Gibraltar on December 31, according to data managed by the environmental group, and they doubt the dates and movements provided so far.

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