Sara and Isa Momplet lead the 29er fleet in the waters of Valencia

The fleet of 60 29er boats, which compete from today, Thursday until Sunday the 4th in the waters of Valencia, closes the first of the four scheduled days and does so with 3 tests completed for the two groups. The Wind Arrived Late at the ‘Manel Casanova’ Regatta Area But when it did, it stayed at about 7-8 knots of intensity on an axis of 155º (Southeast). The favorites have fulfilled the script. In this sense, the local tandem formed by Sara and Isa Momplet (RCN of Valencia) have placed themselves provisional leaders, thanks to some good partials, with two partial victories in the first two tests of the day, while in the third they took the finish third . in his blue group. Behind and with a single point of difference are the Palmasanas Marina Conde and Susana Bestard (RCN Palma), competing today in the Yellow Group. Partials of 2-3-1 make them add up to 6 points. The Provisional Bronze IS for another crew with All Numbers to be on the podium. Paula and Isabel Laiseca (RCN Gran Canaria), Blue Group, Close Their 3-3-1 Sets. The First Male Crew is located in the Fifth Plaza. The French Charles Trolard and Thibaut Clouet (and Mauguio Carnon), in the Blue Group, have 12 points, with partials of 5-5-2. Provisional silver and bronze for the Poles Bartosz Adam Żmudziński and August Sobczak, with 13 points, and the Valencians Mateo and Simón Codoñer (RCN Valencia) with 15 points, respectively. Tomorrow second day for the 29er with 4 tests planned. The Top Departure to the First of Them has been established at 11.00 Hours, Subject to Changes and Whenever Conditions MeteO mete

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