The 5 keys of the call

Day January 25 and 26 the second major doctors’ strike in Catalonia has taken place in the past four years. And, unless the Metges de Catalunya and Salut union reach an agreement today, the shutdown will continue, at least, this February 1, 2 and 3.

In 2018, doctors at first aid went on a four-day strike to denounce precariousness and the working conditions. But this time, the strike also affects the hospitals. here are the five keys understand the reason for this mobilization

What is the main stumbling block of the agreement?

The syndicate Metges of Catalonia, majority among doctors, has been negotiating with Salut since Friday to end the strike which continues this week. Until now there was a double pitfall: a care and other economic.

On the one hand, Metges de Catalunya claims to put a llimit to doctors’ diaries, while Hi opts for self-organization.

On the other hand, in addition, the union is asking for a direct salary supplement in the payroll of doctorsexcept for the rest of the toilets, without going through a negotiation table. The “conselleria” considers this pay rise to be fair, but has asked to go through a bargaining table like the rest of the restrooms.

When is the negotiation?

Right now, Both parties negotiate. Yesterday afternoon, the general secretary of Metges de Catalunya, Xavier Lleonart, assured that the posts have been to get closer and that today would be discussed “more technical” problems.

Thus, although they have agreed on the content of the agreement, the two parties negotiate legal framework to meet union demands.

What services does the strike affect?

Although the 2018 strike only affected the primary care centers (CAP), this time also at hospitals. Thus, they participate in the strike all health centers and hospitals of the Catalan public health system, in which they work in total around 25,000 doctors.

Last week the strike had a the follow-up 70% according to Metges de Catalunya and 30% according to Salut. A considerable slowdown which was felt above all in the Emergencies CAP.

For similar reasons as in 2018: impossible schedules in which (especially in primary) there is no time to visit the patient properly and for a few working conditions, in the opinion of the union, improvable.

Also because there is a lack of teachers, a problem who also suffer other countries in Europe. If it is true that in Spain many doctors leave to work abroad In search of better wages the truth is that there is a whole baby boomer faculty retirement who are retiring and for whom there is no replacement because the Administration has not planned well. It’s a demographic crisis. in Catalonia Some 9,000 physicians will retire over the next decade.

Will there be more strike days?

If an agreement is not reached today, there will also be a medical strike in Catalonia this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (February 1, 2 and 3). In addition, although the union has not specified the days, it plans to make More stops in February in case things go wrong.

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