the peak of extreme heat that Santa Fe had after the storms


Summer in Argentina usually has its ups and downs. And this beginning of 2024 is no exception. Just a day ago the National Meteorological Service (SMN) warned 12 provinces about strong winds and storms. Hours later in many of those same regions they suffer from extreme heat.

The faithful exponent of this situation is Reconquest, north of Santa Fe, which was recently crossed by a storm front, which was included in a yellow alert. That rain passed and this Tuesday afternoon. The thermometer reached 51.6 degrees of thermal sensation at 3 p.m..

Until last week, sanitation and assistance tasks continued in the city due to the flooding caused by the heavy rains that hit it. More than 200 people had to be evacuated.

This Tuesday’s heat is not exclusive to Santa Fe. Similar is what happens in Santiago del Estero, with a temperature of 48.3 degrees. Followed by Resistencia, in Chaco, with 46.8. The top five is completed by Formosa, with 46.1 and Metán, in Salta, with 43.2.

All of these provinces had also been alerted by the SMN for being under a yellow alert for storms and strong winds for Monday.

Due to this situation, they recommended not taking out the trash, removing objects that prevent water from draining, avoiding outdoor activities, not taking shelter near trees and electricity poles that may fall, and not staying on beaches, rivers, lagoons or pools.

Now that whole situation is behind us, far behind us. And the warning now is about the extreme heat and the need for constant hydration and the dangers of physical activity.

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