yellow and orange alerts for storms and extreme heat in eight provinces


The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued this Tuesday yellow level alerts for storms and rains for sectors of Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Santa Fe, Corrientes and Misiones, while alerts also apply for orange level heat for Misiones and yellow for Corrientes.

The storm alert is in effect this Tuesday for the entire territory of Jujuy; the center of Salta; most of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero; southern Chaco; the north and center of Santa Fe; almost all of Corrientes; and the center and south of Misiones.

These provinces will be affected by isolated rains and storms, some locally strong, and may be accompanied by intense gusts, significant electrical activity, occasional hail and abundant falls of water in short periods with accumulated precipitation values ​​between 30 and 70 mm, potentially be surpassed in a timely manner.

In addition, the SMN specified, the yellow level refers to “possible meteorological phenomena with the potential for damage and risk of momentary interruption of daily activities.”

For residents of areas under alert, the national organization recommended not taking out the trash; avoid outdoor activities; do not take shelter near trees and electricity poles that may fall; do not stay on beaches, rivers, lagoons or pools; and pay attention to the possible fall of hail.

On the other hand, the SMN issued an orange level alert for extreme temperatures due to heat for the north of Misiones, in the towns of Eldorado, Iguazú, and the low areas of General Manuel Belgrano and Montecarlo, where maximums of 35 degrees are expected.

In turn, the national organization launched a yellow alert for a large part of Corrientes due to temperatures that this afternoon will be around 30 degrees in the cities of General Alvear, Paso de los Libres, San Martín, Santo Tomé, Concepción, Curuzú . Cuatiá, Mercedes, San Roque and Sauce.

The yellow alert for heat implies a “mild to moderate effect on health” and warns that temperatures “can be dangerous, especially for risk groups, such as boys and girls, people over 65 years of age, with chronic diseases,” indicated the SMN.

The recommendations in the event of an extreme temperature event consist of increasing water consumption without waiting until you are thirsty to maintain adequate hydration; Do not expose yourself to the sun excessively, not even in the middle of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.) and pay attention to babies, children and the elderly.

According to the Ministry of Health, it is also recommended to avoid caffeinated, alcoholic or very sugary drinks; avoid very large meals; eat vegetables and fruits; and reduce physical activity.

What happened at AMBA

The next few days will be relatively “calm” in terms of weather in the City and its surroundings. This Tuesday, for example, the forecast indicates that the maximum will be just below the 30 degree barrier: a peak of 29° is expected during the afternoon.

Tomorrow will be just a little warmer, with a minimum of 21° and a maximum of 30°, while a slightly lower temperature range is expected for Thursday and Friday (21°/28° and 19°/27°, respectively).

And the rains? For now, the official forecast does not foresee precipitation in the AMBA until Saturday afternoon or evening, when there would be isolated storms.

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